The Swan The Vulture #4

The Swan The Vulture #4


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In this issue:
I talk about selfcare as a survivor, assertiveness, more about race, gentrification, POC empowerment workshops, power dynamics, a bunch of other stuff.

I'm happy with this issue, guys.

One review from Edie Fake/Quimby's:
The Swan The Vulture # 4
"Vo writes with ferocity and clarity about trauma, sexual abuse, racism, mysogyny, the development of personal power, thwarting the toxicity of gentrification and the complicated act of struggling for social justice. This issue hits hard and interweaves its topics, being directly personal while speaking to a larger picture. The Swan The Vulture #4 takes stock of where energy is put and where power is drawn, the checks and balances of battling for a better world and the vision of what that might include. Top notch reading, highest recommends. -EF"

And a review from Brown Recluse:
The Swan The Vulture is written by the talented Anna Vo. This personal zine focuses a lot on self-care as a survivor of abuse. Anna Vo honestly discusses learning to assert her boundaries, sexual abuse that she has endured, effective communication skills, empowerment workshops she has facilitated, race, gentrification and so much more. Anna Vo’s unique perspectives and on-point critiques truly shifted my perspectives on how I interact with people in my community. TSTV is full of authentic self reflection and powerful writing. A definite recommend!